My Rules for How To Make the Perfect Nachos

Rule #1: The Nachos Cheese Sauce ensures even coverage of cheesy goodness on every single chip which you simply can’t achieve just by using grated cheese. Unless you use an inordinate amount of it! Remember: A corn chip without cheese on it is just a chip – not nachos!

Rule #2: Hot and cold must be separated. Never dump cold guacamole and sour cream on top of hot melted cheese. It will set instantly. Nobody wants nachos with cold cheese. So serve cold toppings on the side! Rule #3: Use a sturdy corn chip. Now is not the time to use no-brand corn chips! Nobody likes soggy chips and nobody likes chips that break when you score one that is gloriously loaded! (PS Please note, my hands are extra swollen and puffy in this photo because it was a stinking hot, humid day in Sydney and I have no air conditioning!!! 😉 ) (PPS Oh my. I forgot to put the Pico de Gallo on. Shock horror, I skipped the veggies.)

Rule #4: Freshly grated cheese will melt better….just sayin’…. Rule #5: Homemade seasoning for the beef is better than store bought….just sayin’….. Rule #6: Build the nachos in single layers to ensure that you don’t end up with a pile of corn chips with no toppings. No one’s interested in plain corn chips at a time like this! Rule #7: Don’t overbake! The trick is to just melt the cheese and warm the nachos all the way through without burning the corn chips (or – gasp, shock horror – the cheese!).

Extra Rules

Rule #8: Nachos must not be made when alone. Too dangerous. Rule #9: Beer and/or wine (preferably both) must be present. Rule #10: No cutlery. Now that we’re all clear on the rules, here’s the recipe! 😉 – Nagi x What are YOUR Nachos Rules? Tell me below, and I’ll add them to my list!!! 😉 PS For something a little different, try this Nachos Pie! It’s everything you know and love about nachos – in pie form!


PS Little video I made for the Nachos Cheese Sauce, also including this Nachos!


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